Thursday, July 5, 2007

To all who have expressed interest in my travels

I must say thank you very much for reading!

We are just now heading west off Lisbon. I purshased a good karaoke machine for the trip and am looking forward to singing my little heart out at twilight supper. When you are as lazy as I am, life at sea can become quite dreary. As the crew tend to various equipment, I sometimes find myself bored, and it is around these times that Captain Hendrick (he is the actual captain) finds some mild work for me to do. One must always keep busy and get involved. This is the key, I feel. To appreciate what you have, you must know what preparations and work goes into making your life good.
I am, naturally, a little bit tipsy and getting sentimental. I hear Esidor fiddling with the karaoke machine, the young turk!

Must run, and keep reading! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Simon Monjack

Just to let all my friends back in Alexandria know that, yes, I am the Arturo Globenfeldt mentioned in the New York Daily News article:

My dealings with Monjack are now at an end. I have been compensated for my investment and am happy to leave things at that. Simon himself is a decent and personable fellow. Though we've had trouble in the past, I can now say that I am impressed with his maturity and willingness to make things right (if only regarding myself). I wish him well in whatever the future holds for him. To clarify, I am not the 'mysterious figure' alluded to in the article. Everyone knows I am a gentle soul and would wish no harm on anyone.

In other news: I have commissioned a new yacht. Specs to come soon. Any ideas for a name, boys? The Monjack, perhaps? :)

On to New York next. It will be a grueling trip. Better stock up on the bubblies!

As ever,

A. Globenfeldt